Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unwillingness to Collaborate (Barriers to Interunit Collaboration)

The unwillingness to collaborate is a big obstacle to interunit collaboration.  This stems from normal human nature or tribal instinct. Many times people believe that they or those who are apart of their particular group are superior to others outside or they feel like its them against the world.  This natural behavior is called in-group bias and must be discouraged and people must be taught to value outside help.  People with in-group bias may see a perfectly valid soultion to a situation and view it as wrong if it came from outside of their peer group. 

To resolve the unwillingness to collaborate among management and organziational departments, BP monitor managers and departments and hold them accountable to insure that they are cooperating and sharing knowledge to provide solutions to their problems. 

In addition many companies conduct evaluations in which they also check to see if a possible recruit is willing to be a team player and ask for help rather than trying to resolve the situation on their own.

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