Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Building a Knowledge Community at Hallmark:

A major point that was emphasized was the importance of grass roots as the source of creativity and knowledge. Most of the time when people want to credit an organization they always look to the people at the top who usually make the calls on big decisions. But many companies are beginning to recognize the importance of a bottom-up structure, rather top top-down structure to facilitate to the creation of ideas. There are more people at the bottom of the organization and many of them are newer to the organization with fresh ideas. And when management eases rules and regulations it gives employees more options and be able to operate and think out side of the box. When managemnt steps back and allows for more freedom in decison making it inspires the rest of the organization to want to particpate. Participation rises significantly because lower employees feel empowered and that there ideas and contribution to the organziation actually matter. This changes the team dynamics within an organization and creates a whole new level of potential for the organization.

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