Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Twilight of the Elites

In the coming decade the corruption of the elite will finally catch up with them. This includes the elite that control big business, the media, the banking industry, military-industrial complex and government.

The Times article talks about Terry McKiernan who started Bishop Accountability in response to the Catholic Priests Scandal. It also lists Wikipedia as a response to the people overthrowing the elite.

A larger example of the people's growing anger with the elite, is represented by the Tea Party Movement. The name comes from Americans organizing the Boston Tea Party in 1773 in response to British tyranny and Britain's taxation without representation. Many people have felt alienated by their political representatives who vote against their will in favor of big interests. Some of the issues they press include the legitimacy of the Federal Reserve, what happened to the bailout money, the expanding wars, growing executive powers, the complacient-non representative Congress, IRS, NAFTA, the Patriot Act and now the healthcare bill. Though demonized by the mainstream media (CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, etc) as "Tea-baggers", the Tea Party is really a groundswell effort by many Americans from all parts of the political spectrum. They are composed of Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, etc.) They have joined together to be heard by the elite through protests and events. They rely on protests, meetings and word-of-mouth to spread their message since they have been alienated by media elite, that classifies them as part of the "lunatic fringe", "conspiracy theorists", or even "terrorists." They have started blogs and websites so that their message can be heard in its entirity instead of sound bite, since the elites of the mainstream media likes make their issues a left vs right debate. As there message begins to reach the rest of the American people, the elite will be forced to listen or face revolution as the people feel more and more alienated.

The groundswell will not be ignored. The elite will have to concede or look at history. History always shows when the arrogance of the elite causes them to lose contact with ground they will fall.

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